Everything You Should Know Before You Upgrade Your Car’s Floor MatsEverything You Should Know Before You Upgrade Your Car’s Floor Mats
The floor mats in your car are not just some interior accessories to please the eyes. You can technically still drive the car without the mats. But does it mean you can ignore the fact that you’ve never bought new floor mats for the past 5 years? And if you are to buy them, which types should you use for your cars? Those are the questions we’re answering in this article.
Why You Should Change Your Car’s Floor Mats
Car’s floor mats are just like any other parts in the car: they wear out. And once they are not in shape, dirt and moisture accumulate. And the next thing you know, there will be roaches, mold, and bed bugs rampaging in your car!
Besides, dirty and torn mats make people uncomfortable to stay in the car. Imagine if you are to drive your crush, and they find out how dirty the inside of your car is. And I dare to bet, even your friends and relatives are reluctant when you offer them a ride although they need it.
The Types of Floor Mats You Should Buy
Today’s fabric manufacturing technology has been developed so well. Dust and water-repellant materials are not as expensive as they used to be, and you can find them on all weather floor mats. Just like the name suggests, these mats are fabricated specifically to deal with weather-related problems, like snow, muds, and water. The ridged surface of this type of mat also enables dirt and liquid to accumulate in one spot that is most accessible to vacuum. Cleaning a mess from an all-weather floor mat will be a breeze. However, all-weather floor mats can cost you up to $200 for overall coverage.
If you are confident with the way you handle the weather-related problems, you can just replace your old carpet mats with the new ones. This upgrade should not cost you more than $100.
Features to Look for in the Mats
Car floor mats come with many different features, such as anti-skid, heel pads, custom-fit, unique grooves, etc. And to determine which ones you will need the most, you should evaluate your driving habits. Do you like to drink coffee or soda while driving? Do you often go to places with muds? Or Do you live in an area where it rains all seasons? Don’t just buy the all-in-one weather mats because there is no such thing. You’d better pick a mat that can help you to overcome your specific situations. …