Understanding Radar DetectorUnderstanding Radar Detector
Many questions have been raised about the Escort iX Radar Detector in close comparison with Escort 9500iX. The question, is this a 9500iX replacement? The answer can only be found in the close comparison of the features of the two detectors. However, since 9500iX has been with us for a while, let’s focus on the Escort iX Radar Detector.
Simplicity and functionality of the detector are always the key concern for anyone buying a detector. While, if this is your concern, this is your radar detector. Buying this radar detector comes with huge advantages on top of improved features.

Features of Escort iX Radar Detector
Clearer LCD Display
While Escort 9500iX has a clear LCD, this new one has a better, clearer, and a highly improved display. This way, all that you need to see is visible. You now have all the necessary information displayed for you. Be sure to capture, speed limit displayed on your far left. Just next to it is speed got through GPS. Th le middle carries radar frequency while signal strength records on the far right.
GPS Filtering and Lockouts
As an improvement from the old false alerts on lockouts, this new detector is equipped to use GPS enabled filtering. Just like most detectors, it has a GPS chip. The chip can detect a false alert soon after passing it in reasonably limited times.
Magnetic Mount
A new revolution comes in the detector industry. Detectors have, for a long time, used clip-in to mount detectors. In some cases, the clips have failed while in other cases they have succeeded. Today, Escort iX Detector comes with a magnetic mount. It now made the process of mounting and unmounting the detectors very easy.
Bluetooth Compatible App
The detector extends its advantages even further. The detector has an inbuilt ability to connect to its app ie, Escort Live App. This implies that all controls on the detector are done via the app. No manual controls and settings. Just use your app to keep your detector controlled. Imagine that today, you can mark police locations via this app. Isn’t that amazing of Escort iX Radar Detector?
Apart from the features, the detector helps the owner enjoy many advantages.
Among the top advantages is the happiness that comes with the avoidance of false alerts. These alerts are a big nuisance and distractors. Detector knows what it means to have a detector with zero false alerts.
Personalization of the detector is yet another advantage. With the additional advantage of app control, you can customize various settings. Simple things like background color, modes of sensitivity, putting GPS off and on are easily done. You tailor everything to your taste.
Escort iX Radar Detector gives value for your money. Among the many detectors in the market, none gives value for money as this. It is relatively inexpensive. The value of the detector surpasses the price.
Just like any other material on earth, this detector also has its share of disadvantages. The biggest and probably the only disadvantage that may arise is the failure of the LCD.…