Top Tips for Buying TiresTop Tips for Buying Tires
Buying tires for your car is not only one of the critical safety measures, but it can also be the most confusing. The daunting task of choosing the best tire from a wide array of sizes, types, and brands can be overwhelming. However, with the correct information, you can easily select the best tires. not only for comfort but for your safety too.
Here are some tips for choosing the right tires:
Choose the Right Size
Unfortunately, some people go wrong on the right size because they focus on the brand and type and forget the size. Your vehicle’s tire size is listed on the sidewalls and in a sequence, for instance, P265/70R16. Ensure that the size listed on the owner’s manual or car door jamb matches the tire you want to purchase. If you are not sure about the size, you can talk to your sales dealer and get the correct information.
Check the Age of the Tires
Tires wear out with time, whether in use or not, and the recommended time for replacement is usually after six years, even if they are in good condition. This means that you can buy a new tire but which has stayed for long in the shop. For instance, if you buy a tire that has been in the store for four years, you’ll only use it for two years before you need to replace it.
Some shops will sell you old stock anyway and so it upon you to be informed. A tire’s age is listed as a four-digit number which comes after a letter sequence usually beginning with a DOT. The four-digit show the week and year it was manufactured, for instance, 4219, which means it was manufactured in the 42nd week of 2019.
Buy from the Right Place
There is a wide range of places you can buy tires from, including the roadside sellers. However, the ideal location is the dealership where you purchased your car or reputable stores. The best thing about buying from dealerships is that they sell quality tires and guide you accordingly. However, dealership stores are not the only place where you can buy tires, but you can also purchase from a local tire vendor that can be either your local garage or a reliable tire store close to you.
Buying tires from reliable vendors is vital because they have qualified salespersons who know the best fit for your car. In addition, they either have professional mounters or an onsite shop where they’ll recommend your tires to be mounted. Try as much as you can to not only look for the best prices but also professional services.